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The Alchemy of Twenties: Navigating Transformation

I am in my twenties, and everything is different. Everything has changed, I would say everyone has changed. Everyone is busy in their life. No one has time for anyone unless they see some benefit in it. Now, people around me and society expect me to do something or get settled in life, even though we are not ready for it. Society will push this on us. We wanted to experience so much in life when we were in our teen years, but after entering our twenties, the picture has changed drastically. This world is different than what we had imagined. Everything has hit hard in this phase, things we weren't ready for or didn't have an idea about.

I am in my twenties, but I yearn to return to my teen years, where we had no responsibilities. We were free like birds, able to roam around the globe, staying wherever we felt warm. If we didn't like a place, we could simply change it. It was different; we were free, life was just simple. We are still birds, but now in the cage of life, burdened with responsibilities heavier than our wings can bear to fly.

I am in my twenties, but I long to return to my teen years, especially the college days, the best of it. We knew what was coming after us, but we were not alone; we had friends. They were going through the same things, and we were there for each other. It was fun every day, with new experiences at college, bunking lectures, and night rides, not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. However, in our twenties, everything is different; every day is filled with thoughts of the future and worries about trivial things. We seem to forget to live in the present. After entering our twenties, we might have forgotten to live for the present. We have something to worry about in the future every day. It's getting lonely for us in our twenties. In college, we were together at the finish line, but in our twenties, we are alone at the starting line, alone in the entire race. Even if we find someone to run with, it's for a short time, as they have their own road to follow in life.

I am in my twenties, but I wish to return to my teen years. I know I can't return to those days because this is life. Time will pass, we will get old, and we have to move on. "If you hold on to something that's hurting you, you better set it free. You can hold on to memories, but never to people." We come into this world alone, and we will leave alone; this is meant to happen.

We will have some downs in our life, and we will have some ups. It's a cycle. I am writing this at the year's end; just look at yourself, how much have you changed this year compared to last year? You are a different person. Every day is an opportunity that God gives us. If you think you haven't changed much, well, a new year is coming; make some resolutions and promise yourself to stick to them. In life, people will come and go. You can't tell them to stay in your life, but you can treasure their memories. Remember, do not get stuck there; move on.

There is a day after night, night after day. There is always hope in the shining sun, hope in the vast ocean where the sun reflects on itself. Reflect on yourself. I know I can't return to the good old days, but I can make the present the best it can be. Do I have another option? I don't think so. We will have responsibilities no matter what we do; we can make our wings so much stronger that these responsibilities feel like nothing. As I always say, we are human, meant to achieve greatness, meant to do extraordinary things, meant to surpass our own limits. Today, we are in our 20's, and soon we'll be in our 30's, 40's, 50's, and so on. Look at how far you've come, how much you've changed. We should be happy; sometimes, it will get hard, and that's okay. There is no rainbow without rain.


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