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People I Met on the Unknown Journey. [ Part 2]

As the rain poured outside, I found myself lost in thought, each droplet tapping against the window like a reminder of the fleeting nature of life. It was one of those monsoon days where time seems to stand still, and introspection comes knocking at your door like an old friend.

To the people I crossed paths with on that random journey, you know, the ones I'll probably never bump into again in this lifetime. But hey, if destiny's feeling generous, maybe it'll shuffle the cards and we'll have a reunion that'll put Hollywood to shame. And if not? Well, that's life—miracles are like those rare Pokémon cards, hard to find but totally worth it when you do.

Sitting there, contemplating the meaning of it all, I couldn't help but wonder: is this it? Is this what they mean by living? Nah, life should be a wild rollercoaster, not a kiddie ride. "You don't want to be on your deathbed counting regrets, do you?" I tell myself. No way! I want stories to tell my grandkids that'll make 'em say, "Grandpa was a legend!" And it's even better if there are folks to share those adventures with. Cue the awesome people on this awesome adventure.

To my fellow adventurers, you rocked my world from the moment we boarded that bus. I didn't expect to be hit with such feels, but here we are, reminiscing and grinning like goofballs.

To the gang from the trip, you showed me that stepping out of your comfort zone can be a blast. And even if I can't remember all your names, your faces are etched in my memory like emojis on a smartphone.

Remember our time at the beach? It was like a scene straight out of a movie, with laughter echoing against the waves and sandcastle competitions that turned into epic battles. Those were the moments that made me realize: life isn't just about the destination, it's about the journey and the people you meet along the way.

To my bus buddies, we laughed, we cried (okay, maybe not), and we conquered the challenges of the trip. Our time together was like a rollercoaster ride, filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, but through it all, we had each other's backs.

To the crew I met on that trip, you've left a mark on my heart, and I'm not just talking about that sunscreen stain. And guess what? Destiny decided to play nice, so here we are, ready for the next adventure. Who's in?

As I sit here, watching the raindrops dance outside, I can't help but feel grateful for the memories we shared and the bonds we formed. Life may be unpredictable, but one thing's for sure: with friends like you by my side, the journey is always worth it.


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